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POWER ANALYST ® Wattmeter with Microprocessor Control and Digital Display

4391AThe ruggedly built, multifunction Model 4391A RF POWER ANALYST ® features a digital display, microprocessor based operation, and simplified, push button control.

This is a general-purpose wattmeter well suited to two-way communications, avionics and radar, telemetry, and standard radio and television applications.

  • Reads forward and reflected CW or FM power in watts or dBm.
  • Calculates SWR, return loss in dB and percent modulation.
  • Measures peak power for pulses as narrow as 0.8 µs.


Power Range: 100 mW to 10 kW.

Frequency Range: 450 kHz to 2.7 GHz.

Insertion VSWR: (with N Connectors) 1.05 max. to 1000 MHz.

Accuracy: Power Readings: ±5% of full scale CW, ±8% PEP; VSWR: ±10% of reading; % Modulation: (CW power one third or more of full scale) ±5% (0-90%), ±10% (90-100%).

Usable Over-range: to 120% of scale (CW, PEP, SWR and Return Loss).
Sampling Rate: 2 to 3 readings per second.

Display: 3 1/2 digit, 0.3" LED strobed.

Modulation Frequency: 25 Hz to 10,000 Hz (Audio).

Pulse Parameters: (min.) Pulse width 0.8 µs (100 MHz-2700 MHz), 1.5 µs (26 MHz-99 MHz) and 15 µs (2 MHz-25 MHz); repetition rate 25 PPS, and duty factor 1 x 10-4 , minimum.

Return Loss: ±0.3 dB to corresponding SWR value.

Battery Life: 8 hours (rechargeable).

AC Power: 100-130/200-260 V, 50/60 Hz, 6 W.

Connectors: QC Type (Female N normally supplied).

Finish: Blue vinyl with silver anodized side panels.

Nominal Size: (includes connectors) 9 9/16"L x 5 7/32"W x 4 5/16"H,
(243 mm 5 158 mm 5 110 mm).

Weight: 5 3 / 4 lb. (2.6 kg).

Elements: Select two elements in a 10:1 power ratio.

Model 4380A-232 and 4380A-488 Interfaces for Remote Control of the Model 4391A

IEEE-488 & RS-232
Bus Interfaces

IEEE-488 or RS-232 interfaces let you remotely control the Model 4391A. The required 15-pin connector and internal cabling are installed in a new 4391A, or in older wattmeters having the suffix -832 in the model number (e.g. Model 4391-832).
Older units can be retrofitted at our plant.


  • Meet all IEEE and EIA specifications for IEEE-488 and RS-232 standards.


RS-232 Model: 4380A-232.

Output: 3 1/2 digit ASCII format.

Logic Levels: Meets all EIA standard RS- 232C specifications.

Environment: Operating temperature range 0°C to +50°C. Storage temperature range -40°C to +100°C.

AC Power: 100-130/200-260 Vac 50/60 Hz.

Dimensions: 5 3/8 " L x 3 1/4 " W x 10 1/2 " H, (137 mm 5 82 mm 5 267 mm).

Weight: 2 lb. 10 oz. (1.2 kg).

Output Connector: Standard 25-pin subminiature D style RS-232.

Cable Supplied: 20 in. interconnecting cable to Model 4391A.

Optional Cables: 5 ft. (1.5 m) RS-232 bus interface cable, Bird P/N 5-1662-1;
10 ft. (3 m) RS-232 bus interface cable, Bird P/N 5-1662-2.

IEEE-488 Model: 4380A-488.

Output: 3 1/2 digit ASCII format.

Logic Levels: Meets all IEEE standards 488-1978 specifications.

GPIB Capabilities: Supports AH1, SH1, T5, L4 SR1, RL0, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0 and E1.

Environment: Operating temperature range 0°C to +50°C. Storage temperature range -40°C to +100°C.

AC Power: 100-130/200-260 Vac 50/60 Hz.

Dimensions: 10 1/2"L x 3 1/4"H x 5 3/8"W, (267 mm 5 82 mm 5 137 mm).

Weight: 2 lb. 10 oz. (1.2 kg).

Output Connector: 24-pin IEEE-488 standard connector.

Cable Supplied: 20 in. interconnecting cable to Model 4391A.

Optional Cables: 3 1/4 ft. (1 m) IEEE-488 bus interface cable, P/N 5-1317-1;
6 1/2 ft. (2 m) IEEE-488 bus interface cable, Bird P/N 5-1317-2. Use of longer bus interface cables is not recommended.

WISCO International, Inc. - MIAMI, FL U.S.A.
Fax: (954) 370-3997 | E-mail: wiscointl@wiscointl.com

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