Meter Vertical G6-144B
- Ideal for fixed or repeater operation.
- Optimum gain with collinear phasing.
- Low angle radiation for maximum
- Constructed of high strength
- Totally self supporting design.
Model G6-144B
- Electrical:
- Radiation Pattern: Omni
- SWR: 1.2:1 at resonance
- Maximum power input: 600 watts
- Gain: 6 dBd
- Impedance: 50 ohms nominal
- Lightning Protection: Shunt fed
direct ground
- Mechanical:
- Length: 9'9" long, telescopic
to 3/8" O.D.
- Weight: 10 lb.
- Radials: Four 20.25" x
0.375" O.D.
- Connector: SO-239
- Windload: 26 lb. at 100 mph
- Wind Survival: 100 mph
- Mounting: Vertical support
up to 1.75 in. O.D. pipe