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Communications Receiver


Icom "next generation" technology brings you super wide band, all mode coverage from HF to 2 GHz, including shortwave and VHF/UHF, while maintaining a constant receive sensitivity. The IC-R8500 is not simply a scanner-it's a professional quality communications receiver with versatile features from high speed scanning to computer control.

Wide frequency coverage
The IC-8500 covers a wide frequency range continuously from 0.1 to 2000 MHz, with 10 Hz resolution, while maintaining a high receive sensitivity. You can be sure that if there are any communications or broadcasts out there, you'll be able to hear them with a minimum of interference from other signals.
Some versions have restricted coverage. Refer to specifications for details.

All mode capability
Radio signals are transmitted in a variety of modes. The IC-R8500's all mode capability allows you to receive signals in many different modes, from the world over SSB (USB, LSB) CW, AM, FM and WFM are included, and several specialty modes, CW narrow, AM wide, AM narrow and FM narrow are available to receive a variety of signals that require a matched passband width. The optional TV-R7100 TV/FM ADAPTER allows you to view TV broadcasts (when connected to a CRT monitor) and listen to stereo FM broadcasts.

Superior receive characteristics
The IC-R8500 has superb high receive sensitivity over its entire range, and the built-in, high quality crystal (TCXO) provides good frequency stability of less than ± 100 Hz below 30 MHz;  less than ± 3 ppm above 30MHz. The crystal is the reference for the PLL and DDS circuits to achieve these specifications.

Convenient features for receive
IF shift and SPF (audio peak filter) functions are built-in - a first for a receiver in this class. IF shift is used to reduce interference from nearby signals. It does so by adjusting the center frequency of the IF filter. APF is used to reduce interference from signals superimposed over a desired signal by adjusting the center frequency of the audio filter. The APF is especially useful when receiving DW, but is also useful in other modes a s tone control.

In addition, a node blanker, RF attenuator and selectable AGC functions, clarify desired signals when experiencing various forms of interference. A digital AFC function tunes the receiver to the center of  FM or WFM signals.


  • Superior receiver characteristics
  • Built-In CI-V and RS232C for direct computer control
  • Keypad entry
  • Large backlit LCD display
  • IF Shift
  • Selectable AGC timing
  • Audio Peak Filter (APF)
  • 1000 memory channels:
  • Multiple scanning selections
  • 9-meter settable squelch
  • Noise blanker
  • Operates off 12 V DC or 120 V AC
IC-R8500RS-R8500 PC Control Software

Take control of your IC-R8500 wideband receiver from a PC! The RS-R8500 Icom developed PC control software allows you to do just that. This top-of-the-line Icom receiver has a built-in RS-232C serial interface. The serial port connector is located in the back of the IC-R8500 receiver. The necessary connection cable is bundled with the RS-R8500 software package, and no other interface hardware is needed.

The RS-R8500 control software was developed to closely match the look and operation of the IC-R8500 receiver, as seen on the screenshots below. The learning curve is reduced by using this approach - if you can operate the actual receiver, you can operate this PC control program. All readouts and controls are nearly identical between the two.

Screen Captures

The screenshot to the right is the main RS-R8500 control screen. IC-R8500 owners will recognize it immediately. The layout is nearly identical. All receiver functions commonly available from IC-R8500's front panel can now be accessed through this easy-to-use computer interface.



Here's the RS-R8500 software with two of its five sub screens open. The screen in the foreground is the scan controller. The spreadsheet-looking screen in the background is the powerful memory channel list. It allows for effortless programming and management of IC-R8500's 1000 memory channels. Every channel can be independently programmed with the alpha-numeric name, frequency, mode, attenuator setting, tuning steps and scan skip condition. The memory channel list can be saved into a file on computer's hard disk for safe keeping.



This screenshot shows two more RS-R8500 sub windows. The one on the bottom left is the radio player screen. It features only the minimum controls necessary to operate the IC-R8500, and is perfect for AM or FM broadcast listening without the need to adjust more advanced receiver controls. The screen on the far right is the powerful frequency band scope. The band scope shows all signals within a specified frequency range in a form of a graphical display. (Note: the band scope pictured here is not active.)


WISCO International, Inc. - MIAMI, FL U.S.A.
Fax: (954) 370-3997 | E-mail: wiscointl@wiscointl.com

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