WISCO International

Sinclair Technologies

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Collinear Antennas

Collinear omnidirectional antenna, 6 dBd gain SC229, SC249

The SC229 antenna is rugged high gain, omnidirectional antenna designed to withstand severe environmental conditions.

This antenna is housed in fiberglass radomes and protected from lightning by a stud projecting through the top of the radome and provide excellent coverage and durability.

� Rugged fiberglass radome.

� High gain, omnidirectional, 3 % band width.

� Designed to withstand severe environmental conditions.




Frequency Range


1.5:1 VSWR
2.0:1 VSWR
MHz 6
Polarization dB Vertical
Pattern   Omnidirectional
Nominal Gain dBd 6.1
Vertical Beamwidth (nom.)
(half power points)
Deg 14
Power Rating Watts 300
Lightning Protection   DC Ground
Termination   'N' Male
Note:1- VSWR is referenced to 50 Ohms
        2- Specify frequency when ordering


Height in (mm)

258 (6,553)

Weight lb (kg) 25 (11.4)
Rated Wind Velocity mph (km/h) 125 (201)
Rated Wind Velocity with 0.5 in (12.7mm) radial ice mph (km/h) 105 (169)
Horizontal Thrust at rated wind velocity and ice load lb (kg) 190 (86.2)
Mounting Information Two clamps are supplied to mount antenna to a 2.88 in (73.2 mm) to 3.5 in (88.9 mm) O.D support pipe
WISCO International, Inc. - MIAMI, FL U.S.A.
Fax: (954) 370-3997 | E-mail: wiscointl@wiscointl.com

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