WISCO International

Sinclair Technologies

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MR-354 MR-356



The MR-354 is a compact mobile duplexer
for use in the 406-512 MHz frequency band.
It utilizes four, carefully temperature compensated resonators housed in a rugged lightweight aluminum extrusion.
The MR-356 utilizes the same construction techniques as described in the MR-354, with the addition of two resonators (one for transmit and one for receive) to provide the added isolation that is required in some systems.

MR-3332(picture not available)

The MR-3332 is a very compact mobile duplexer for use in the 406-512 MHz frequency band. It utilizes six temperature compensated helical resonators in an "In- Line" configuration. Superior quality internal components such as silver-plated center conductors reduce loss and provide optimum performance.

WISCO International, Inc. - MIAMI, FL U.S.A.
Fax: (954) 370-3997 | E-mail: wiscointl@wiscointl.com

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