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VX-4100 Mobile Radio

The new VX-4100 series mobiles have 50 Watts of power on VHF and 45 Watts of power on UHF. The channel capacity is a very manageable 8 channels.  The uncluttered front panel and programmable functions make this radio easy to operate.

You will find this radio has many advanced features built in, that are normally found only on higher priced mobiles.

Also, these new mobiles have the widest operating bandwidth we have ever offered.  Listening to the needs and requests from our customers, the new operating bandwidths are:

VHF: 134 MHz to 174 MHz
UHF: 450 MHz to 512 MHz


  • 3 YEAR Warranty. Standard
    • A 3-Year Parts and Labor Warranty is standard on all of our transceivers. No extra cost to cover year 2 and 3 !
  • Squelch Offsets per channel
    • In many cases you will come across a channel that is noisier than others. It could be a local computer, power lines, or other on frequency noise that could cause your squelch to open and cause an unwanted blast of audio.
      The VX-4100 allows the programming of separate squelch offsets per channel !
  • 2-Tone Decode
    • Another feature requested by many customers, multiple 2-tone decode has been added as a standard feature. The VX-4100 series mobiles can decode well over 10 unique 2-tone pairs. As an aid in distinguishing between paging calls, or as a matter of personal preference, there are 7 different alert beeps to choose from.
  • 2-Tone Encode
    • Requested by many customers, 2-tone encode has been added as a standard feature on this new mobile series. The A button can be programmed to send a predetermined 2-tone sequence.
WISCO International, Inc. - MIAMI, FL U.S.A.
Fax: (954) 370-3997 | E-mail: wiscointl@wiscointl.com

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