WISCO International

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Our website has grown a bit over the last two years, we currently have more than 1000 pages full of information related to the telecommunications industry.
Although we have put a lot of emphasis on making the  navigation easy, when a website gets this big, it is convenient to be able to look for specific data without having to hop through several intermediate links.

We are pleased to announce WISCOINTL.COM's new search engine and we hope all the time and effort we put into it will turn out to be a better service for you.
Our search engine looks for pages within the WISCO website, pages associated to the keyword/s you entered, case doesn't matter, it won't make any difference if you type "radio" or "Radio", when you use more than one word they will be added, for example a search for "dipole Antennas" will find pages associated with the full phrase (dipole and antenna) not just pages about either one.

WISCO International Inc. - MIAMI, FL U.S.A.