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Communications Receiver



Dualwatch capability
The IC-R2500 has dualwatch receive capability*¹ , allowing you to receive two bands simultaneously. It covers 0.01–3299.999 MHz in  AM, FM, WFM, SSB, CW, DV*² and P25* modes on the main receiver, while the sub-receiver covers 50–1300MHz in AM, FM and WFM modes*
¹* Two antennas are required for dualwatch receive.
²* Optional UT-118 required.
³* Optional UT-122 required. Already installed with some versions.
4* Frequency range differs depending on version.

Diversity receive capability
The diversity receive* mode is useful for mobile operation where the received signal changes continuously. It compares the signal strength and chooses the antenna with the better signal to maintain good sound and receive quality.
* Two antennas are required. Available in FM/DV/P25 mode between 50–1300MHz only. Diversity reception is not available while using dualwatch.

Wide LCD display for independent band control
The wide LCD display shows both main/sub receiver settings in an easy-to-read symmetric side-by-side layout. The controller provides separate tuning, volume, squelch knobs and function buttons for (Main) and right (Sub) receivers. The LCD backlit color is selectable between amber and green for your preference.

Digital mode reception
The optional UT-118 D-STAR digital unit and UT-122* P25 digital unit provide the latest digital mode reception. Catch the action in digital communications!
* Already installed with some versions.

1000 alphanumeric memory channels
With Icom’s Dynamic Memory Scan, DMS, you have a versatile memory channel management system at your command. The 1000 memory channels can be arranged by service or personal preference in the 21 memory banks. Selectively link the channels together to scan depending on your needs. Programming the memory channels and 6 character memory names is simple with your PC.

Other Features
  • Weather alert function (U.S.A. and Canada versions only)
  • Optional DSP capability with UT-106 (Voice Squelch Control) ignores unmodulated signals or
  • VSC  heterodynes
  • IF filter selection for changing IF filter width (SSB, CW, AM mode only)
  • Noise blanker eliminates pulse type noise
  • AFC function automatically follows an FM signal when the signal’s (BW: 6kHz or 15kHz) frequency drifts
  • IF shift function (SSB, CW mode only)
  • 30 min – 2 hour auto power off timer
  • Fast/slow AGC setting
  • Short/long squelch delay
  • CTCSS/DTCS tones and duplex mode operation for monitoring a repeater
  • RF attenuator attenuates 20dB (approx.) (below 1300MHz)
  • All IC-PCR2500 functions are available when connected to a PC
  • Cloning function allows you to read/write memory contents from your PC. Sharing data with IC-PCR2500 is also possible.
WISCO International, Inc. - MIAMI, FL U.S.A.
Fax: (954) 370-3997 | E-mail: wiscointl@wiscointl.com

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