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UNIDAPTŪ AttenuatorsUnidapt Attenuators

UNIDAPTŪ Binding Post and

PT-4010-021Banana Plug Adapters




New UNIDAPTŪ 5 and 10 Watt Attenuators are available in 3, 10, 20 and 30 dB versions. UNIDAPTŪ 10 watt attenuators with heat sinks are also available in 3, 10, 20 and 30 dB versions.
The new UNIDAPTŪ double binding post and double banana plug adapters are designed to expand the capabilities and applications for the popular UNIDAPTŪ adapter kits. The adapter bodies are made of high quality injection-molded ABS plastic.

UNIDAPTŪ Options, Accessories (All pieces compliment our UNIDAPTŪ Kits)

PT-4000-026 PT-4000-027 PT-4010-030 PT-4010-062

Right angle and "T" adapters can be used with all female UNIDAPTŪ adapters.

UNIDAPTŪ male crimp and bulkhead connectors can be used to create your own test fixtures ready for UNIDAPTŪ use.

UNIDAPTŪ RF Wattmeter Connectors

These flange adapters give your wattmeter UNIDAPTŪ flexibility and power! Simply unscrew the standard fittings and replace them with our flange adapters.

Immediately you have every connector in your UNIDAPTŪ kit usable with your wattmeter. Save time and always have the right connector.

The RF Sampler and injector accessories are also available for test bench use, with or without N male and N female adapters.

RFA-4047 Includes two PT-4010-001 (UNIDAPTŪ Flange Connectors, two PT-4000-009 (N-Female UNIDAPTŪ), and two PT 4000-007 (UHF Female UNIDAPTŪ).

RFA-4048 Includes two PT-4010-002 (UNIDAPTŪ Flange Connectors, two PT-4000-009 (N-Female UNIDAPTŪ), and two PT 4000-007 (UHF Female UNIDAPT).

RFA-4045-A RFA-4046-A

For Bird 43, 4304A, 4431, 4521 Wattmeters, contains
2 PT-4010-001 UnidaptŪ flange connectors.

For Telewave 44 series wattmeters, contains
2 PT-4010-002 UnidaptŪ flange connectors.

WISCO International, Inc. - MIAMI, FL U.S.A.
Fax: (954) 370-3997 | E-mail: wiscointl@wiscointl.com

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